The programme has just come through:-
Programme for Special Meeting
Branch Visit
Saturday April 25, 2015
Mill Hill Kingdom Hall, Broadcast to all Congregations in Britain and Ireland
Chairman: Dennis Dutton
1.00 p.m. Opening Song D. Dutton
Prayer D. Dutton
1:05 p.m. “If God is For Us, Who Will Be Against Us?” J. Larson
1:45 p.m. Summary of The Watchtower Article: S. Hardy
“Preparing the Nations for
‘The Teaching of Jehovah’”
2:15 p.m. Song No. 104 and Announcements D. Dutton
2:25 p.m. Branch Report and Experiences P. Gillies
2:45 p.m. Talk M. Sanderson
3:45 p.m. Concluding Song D. Dutton
Concluding Prayer M. Sanderson
Of note is that Mark Sanderson is the GB member not Sam Heard. Also, Paul Gillies has an item.